Sunday, January 3, 2010

Today's Raydur Strategy

Well, Tom Cable refuses to start Ja-missssssssss-it Russell today, this after stating back on Monday that without Russell, they would be in the playoffs.

Playoffs? Playoffs?

Apparently Al Davis was livid- his purple age spots got brighter. So, it's either Cable or Jamissit before next year. Also, this insures that Mr. Russell will have a 49.6 passer rating, lowest rating that qualifies since Ryan Leaf back in 1998.

So, today's Raydur strategy is about one thing: Getting Shane Lechler's punting average back up to the all time high. Last week, BigFoot's avg dipped below Sammy Baugh's record (51.3 I think), so here's the plan: The Raydurz will punt, regardless of the down, anytime they near their own 35. If they go beyond this mark, Lechler, cannot get 65 yard punts (the 'net' does not figure into this).

In my personal opinion, they would get this done, and still wait for 4th down, no problem, if Jamarcus started.

I have to practice with a band all day today, so I'm going to miss the LA-SF finale. I'm sure it's going to be a bumble-fest of the first order.

cheers everyone, and The Moldy Carpet in in soon as I make it.



  1. I think in a JaMissit Russell should team up
    with Cryin Leaf as an Ebony and Ivory radio
    show. He will probably last just as long as
    Ryan and then they both can have a sort of
    "failed loser routine" that would appeal to
    the blue collar fan element of the NFL.

    Al Davis is now the Howard Hughes of the NFL,
    and is now adding tarnish to a once proud legacy.
    The phantom fumble by Tom Brady in 2002 started
    the downfall, and it has been swift ever since.

    But still the Raiders could win today!

  2. Good suggestion, DTrocks, anything would be better than him actually playing football.

    It's hard to believe they were in the Superbowl in the last 10 years.

    I'd love to see them back as the feared Raiders.

  3. Oh, everybody's afraid of them still. Afraid they are going to end up like them, or worse, end up ON them.


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