Saturday, January 8, 2011

The World's Biggest Upset- Doormat Style

Seahags 41, Aints 36

Seattle Seahags- Super Bowl bound

What can you say? Other than I should have bet the house?
The Seahags prove all the pundits, prognosticators, Vegas and sane people WRONG.
But not us! We apologize for not posting our predictions for the weekend- we forgot we had a doormat team in the playoffs.

But here's what we said last week- the Seahags will get to the NFC Championship game. We also said, 3 weeks ago, that whoever would eventually win the NFC Worst would make it to the NFC Championship game....and now we're ONE GAME AWAY.

Apologies to our Vegas followers, as we should have GUARANTEED Seattle beating the point spread. If you've been following us all year, you know this: The Saints played down to every single doormat team they met, including losing to the Brownies (got clobbered) and the Crudinals. The Crudinals are really terrible- they just play in the NFC Worst, so they ended up with 5 wins (but not a win over the Hags). A 14-point spread was ridiculous, especially when you recognize that the Hags play nearly competent football at home.

Turning in the game of his life, Matt Hasselbeck shreds the Saints all day long. Marshawn Lynch, who we pointed out in week XV has found new life in Seattle after losing the Nils ju-ju, actually delivers a running game. If the Hags get any kind of running game going, they win.

Hags win. Hags win! They STILL have a losing record! Woo-Hoo!! You have to call this the biggest playoff upset ever, because nobody with a losing record has ever won a playoff game. Toss in the Super Bowl champs, and you've got the perfect setup. Wow, we're drinking the whole keg of Hamm's and barbecuing....a meat-like substance on the grill.

The Doormat Division Marches On!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ANd it was a dark, wet day in Seattle. Perfect. Hey, we saw this one coming and now it's time to celebrate. I'm not leaving the basement until the Hamms keg is dry. Pass me a cigar!


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