Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dolphins Still Flopping on the Basement Threshold

Buffalo wins big today over the Dolphins who, though they recently escaped the basement, are still flopping like a piked salmon on a barnacle covered charter boat.

I gotta say the Floppers may be the best loser, as they lose games they are expected to win. It takes real loser moxie to consistently hand victory over to a team that was really trying to lose.

Nils may be out of the running for the rest of the season. Those posers!!


  1. So far it's been a great day for team Gumbo. If only the Boutonieres and Skinflix had come through. They both should have won!

  2. Turner still has a chance, but I don't know how the Brownies could win a game. But they've got some bonifide trash coming up on the schedule. The Cheaps and Raydurz games are going to decide it.

    I didn't know the Nils could score 31 points. I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I say.

  3. I agree on Floppers. WE better put them back in there and retire the Titanics topside. They're freaking trouble to any team that has to play them right now.


  4. Brownies could win one, that is for certain. But it will take some amazing losing for DT to edge you out, eggchairjim.

    I vote we not let anyone back in the basement this year. The Floppers suck, but they will have to wait til next year. The elimination sequence should be initiated. It's countdown time to the Toilet Bowl.

  5. Nils were a scoring machine today. I agree, wackoworld, how the hell did they do that? And against the Floppers? I am shocked too.


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