Monday, November 1, 2010

Can it get any weirder?

This is truly the weirdest season ever.
Rayduhs and Chefs fighting for first place next that correct?
Hags lose/Lambs win putting Lambs squarely in the hunt for a conference title. Seriously...?
Cowpies and Buncos fighting for cellar domination. That road goes through the heart of Buffalo however and if you've ever been to the heart of Buffalo, it's not an easy place to get through.
We may have the most teams ever finishing at 8-8, like 20 or more.
Brownies will beat anybody if they want to.
Favre is actually scaring people now with his fragility. Last year's NFC championship game should have been a clue. He didn't get any younger in the off season. I don't want to see any more old, gray, grandpas curled up in the fetal position on a golf cart unless they are on a golf course.
AND Troy Palamaladingdong has perfected the Cowardly Lion Leap to the point where others will emulate it for years.

1 comment:

  1. It's a World Turned Upside Down, Eggchair. The changing of the guard's diapers, as the teams coming down have to say hello to the teams they stomped on on the way up. It's not pretty.


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