Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Clarification of the Facts

One of our readers has posed the question: do you guys report the actual game or are you making stuff up?

Answer: While we do make some embellishments around the game (for example, saying the defensive coordinator throws his clipboard down in disgust), we never add any fiction to the events on the field. Every play that we report on happened.

There is no need to ever invent bumbling football. On any given weekend in the NFL, there is enough mayhem and bonehead decision making to make it unnecessary to ever make anything up.
This season , so far, has been no different, and possibly record setting in the Doormat Division. We still have 3 winless teams.

We hope this answers your questions.

thank you , readers,

The Doormat Denizens.


  1. The references to the teams trying to lose is clearly fictional but when you watch it, you start to wonder if it might be possible. It certainly makes it funny. I don't know how the real pundits comment on these games with a straight face. There is a lot of really wretched football being played these days. I wonder if it's worse than it was, say, 40 years ago. probably not.

  2. It's probably roughly the same, though I think the level of statistical science and analysis from coaches and media currently tends to give us the impression that somehow we should expect more from teams. But's it's still a bunch of lunkheads chasing each other around trying to make their block. I remember playing Little Guy football, being the split end, and how frustrating it was to try to time blocking the linebacker. The variables were so numerous that your chances of really clocking the guy were extremely low. You hoped to just slow them down most of the time. All that said, I think the level of below mediocre is greater this year than last.

    Finally, the Andrew Luck Sweepstakes will really kick in the last 4 games this season, and I wouldn't be surprised if some teams start to tank it with 6 to go. It will be interesting to see which ones really go for it. Considering we still have 3 winless teams, people may need to make up their minds sooner than later.

  3. I heard the "real" pundits talking about how amazing Tim Tebow is and what a fabulous game he played Sunday. Huh? Broncos were fabulous? Did I miss something? They were trying to talk that game like it was a shining example of gritty football. Good grief.

  4. Tebow played terrible until 3 minutes were left in the game.


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