Tuesday, October 4, 2011

World Turned Upside Your Head

DOLTS 17, Buccaneers 24

OK, it's officially a trend. Never before, in the first 4 weeks of an NFL season, have there been this many blown leads, especially ones of 2 touchdowns or more. Last night's collapse by the Indianapolis Dolts doesn't qualify on that level- it was just an old fashioned flimsy lead by a flimsy team headed straight for the Moldy Carpet Trophy. That happens all the time.
And wow, are the Dolts in fine fine Doormat shape.

The Come From Ahead Loss
OK, OK, so I just made up that stat about blown leads. But, in our 4 years of Doormat Division, nothing comes close. I've been following football since 1962, and I don't remember something like this. The difference is, teams are actually scoring points, and then running out of gas. It has to have something to do with the shortened training camps. Players must just be getting tired, and the ones that aren't quite so good crumble faster than the ones that are (and the really good ones stayed in shape all summer anyway). Also, defenses still aren't quite together, so early scores are setting up fabulous comebacks.

I say, let's abolish the preseason altogether! Let's just have totally crazy football from Week I!

Dolts now (0-4) and the pride of the AFC Doormats. Way to go guys, we knew you had it in you...though not at this kind of level. WOW.

1 comment:

  1. The Kittens DID stage 7 Come From Ahead losses last year.


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