Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Orange or not Orange?

Derek Anderson's High School, above,

and...Derek's college (Oregon St.)

..aaand his most notable stop in the NFL....

and now his current team:

Well, no WONDER he can't find a receiver. DT is right, this guy needs to get his Orange on, as we say here in San Francisco. Maybe he could play shortstop for us, now that Uribe signed with the Dodgers (from hero to scoundrel!!)

The Crudinals need to immediately change their team colors. This week. I'm suggestion NEON orange.

1 comment:

  1. At least his receivers need to wear blaze orange so he can find them. Maybe he could go to the Bengals.

    Seriously, I don't get it. He has great receivers and his arm is OK, they should be able to do better. Is the line only giving him .0001 seconds in the pocket?

    Orange is my favorite color. My first car, the El Crapino was orange and so was my Vega. I like pumpkins. Especially pumpkin pie. But by then it's not orange, it's kinda baby-poop brown. But it does taste good in yummy, baby food kind of way.

    Beavers should not wear any Orange for the Civil War game, though. Too easy to see. They should wear all black, play the game at night, and turn out all the lights and play with flashlights. That's their only chance against the Ducks.


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